Day 11 - Ages to Burgos

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 by Johanna , under ,

Just a quick update today to let everyone know that I'm in Burgos, and everything is wonderful, except that the albergue doesn't have a real kitchen. But we went shopping for food and came back with three million bags and ate so much stuff that we now only have half of it left, which is a good thing because then we have less to carry tomorrow. I found non-baguette brown bread! And I have new chocolate! And peaches and apples and tuna and mandarins and biscuits and other necessities like bandaids. Even though today I walked 23km or something like that without needing any. My feet are back to normal almost, only today was very rocky and rugged so my ankles are sore from the (really) uneven ground.

Burgos is really beautiful; the cathedral and the architecture around the albergue is magnificent. We didn't spend all too much time exploring (me and Rachel, Ariel was sleeping), but managed to see some pretty things and the inside of the cathedral. Bought some postcards too, but it seems silly writing them because I'll just end up writing the same things as I write in this blog and by the time they arrive in Australia you'll know all about them. We'll see.

Highlight of today was reaching the top of the last mountain for about 10 days (meseta ahoy!). It was cold, very windy and very misty, and in front of us on the ground lay fifty or so concentric circles of stones, placed by pilgrims before us. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims. It was the most beautiful thing I have seen in the last few days, the combined work of so many people sharing a common purpose and adding a couple of stones to the rings. Like on top of the Alto de Perdon, I felt a really deep connection to all the pilgrims before me and after me. Magical.

I've got two minutes left on the net, so I'm leaving it at that! Love to you all.

3 Responses to 'Day 11 - Ages to Burgos'

December 8, 2009 at 9:36 AM

Hey Jo!
This is going to sound repetitive but i miss you both so much. I really really do!!!
The Trip is sounding realy awesome. I havent read your blog till now, but from now on i will so keep having loads of fun and keep meeting loads of interesting people!
Love Jess

December 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM

My Jo, you have walked 264km already! And you're feeling great, how's that for achievement!
It is one of my new leittle rituals now in the afternoon after work to open your blog and read the story of the day; I haven't been dissappointed and absolutely enjoy every word (even the "feeling bad"ones - in a sense.
Your phone calls are wonderful, too, thanks heaps for those.
Met Michell on Sunday at the markets and we chatted and feel so connected...
Keep going, girls, keep your spirits up and enjoy!!!
Lots of Love from Mum

December 10, 2009 at 6:52 PM

Hallo Ihr beiden,

Ich möchte auch mal ein paar Grüße loswerden. Dein Blog ist großartig und du schreibst gott sei Dank so deutlich, das selbst ich eine Übersetzung hinbekomme. Ich freue mich das es Dir und Ariel gut geht. Und wir sind auch immer (mit dem Finger auf der Landkarte) bei Euch. Bis Burgos sind schon so einige Stecknadel gesetzt worden und die Kinder freuen sich wenn Ihr endlich die Zielfahne erreicht habt.... Denn dann weiß sie das Ihr bald kommt. Wir freuen uns sehr. Eine kleine Geschichte muß ich Dir noch erzählen: Die Wanderkarte des Caminos hängt in unserer Leseecke neben dem Bücherregal. Dort stehen auch einige Bücher Deiner Mutter drin. Diese Bücher habe ich schon überall hingetragen, von unten nach oben und wieder runter. Jetzt, wo wir mit Dir gemeinsam den Camino gehen (auf der Karte) fällt aus einem dieser Bücher etwas raus.... von Deiner Schwester Sonja. Eine Karte auf der steht: God loves you. And I love you too! Es war wie ein kleines Zeichen!!! Gott ist bei Euch und alle die Dich und Ariel gern haben. Diese Karte hebe ich für Dich auf, sie hängt nun direkt neben der Wanderkarte..
Alles Liebe

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